Dutch law Assessment - location Rotterdam

STC Next provides an accredited Dutch Law Assessment for foreign officers who sail on a Dutch vessel and therefore need to have (proven) knowledge of Dutch legislation.

Sector Maritime shipping
Sectors Maritime shipping, Zeevaart
Type of training Basic course, Basiscursus/opleiding
Duration 60 minutes
Price € 325,00 excl. VAT
Recognition accredited by the Dutch government inspectorate for the Environment and Transport (ILT)

More information?

adviseur cursussen curved line
  • The Dutch Law Assessment is an exam that leads to a proof of successful completion of the test for knowledge of the Dutch legislation that applies to Dutch shipping and which is required to obtain an official certificate of competence according to the guidelines of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management.

  • The assessment itself is accredited as an ‘on site’ exam and therefor cannot be taken remotely.

    The assessment only contains the exam, there is no preparatory course associated with it. The candidate prepares himself. This can take place independent of time and location. The syllabus can be downloaded from this link. It is an open book exam; the syllabus may therefore also be used as a reference work during the exam.


  • After successfully completing the exam, the candidate receives from us a certificate for successfully completing the assessment. With this a Dutch certificate of professional competence can be requested from KIWA Register, mandated by the Dutch government to issue formal permits and legal powers in the transport sector. On behalf of the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, KIWA issues licenses to natural persons and companies in aviation, maritime shipping, inland shipping and passenger and freight transport by road.

    For information and to apply for a Dutch CoC, please check:



  • Foreign seafarers who sail on a Dutch vessel and therefore need to obtain a Dutch certificate of professional competence.

  • Entry requirements

    You must possess a foreign certificate of competence.

    Type of training Basic course, Basiscursus/opleiding
    Duration 60 minutes
    Language English
    Exams written exam
    Certificate Yes (STC Next certificate)
    Course code SWBKE

    When doing the assessment at a location other than Rotterdam, extra costs €175  (local valuta) will be charged. These amounts concern the exam costs and including the syllabus. The preparation for this exam takes place in the form of self-study.

    As soon as a candidate fails the exam, a re-registration and payment must be made for a possible resit.

    The assessment will take place at location:

    • STC Next   (The Netherlands)
      Soerweg 31, 3088 GR  Rotterdam

    Other possible locations to do the assessment are:

    • Neso Indonesia (Indonesia)
      Netherlands Embassy
      Jl HR. Rasuna Said Kav. S3
      Jakarta 12950


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3 reasons to follow this course:

  • Study and prepare at your own pace
  • Wide choice in location for participation
  • Possibility to apply for a Dutch certificate of competence

Yes, this is the course!