Dynamic Positioning Sea Time Reduction

Reduce your required DP sea time by thirty days

Sector Maritime shipping
Sectors Maritime shipping, Zeevaart
Type of training Basic course, Basiscursus/opleiding
Duration 5 days
Price € 2.910,00 excl. VAT
Recognition Nautical Institute (NI)

More information?

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  • After successfully completing the course Dynamic Positioning Simulator (advanced) you need to gather at least 60 days of sea time in order to request a complete or limited DP certificate from the Nautical Institute (Phase D). You can also choose to attend the five-day course Dynamic Positioning Sea Time Reduction. This course is equal to 30 days’ worth of sea time and as such reduces the required number of days for phase D by 30 sea days, however the last 30 days should always be on board.

    During this course you will start working intensely with simulation exercises on the full mission bridge simulator. This simulator has been recognized by the Nautical Institute as Class A.

    This course is a deviation from the standard DP Operators training scheme from the Nautical Institute. The entire course (theory, simulator scenarios, simulator and the instructors) is accredited by the Nautical Institute in London.

  • This course takes place largely on the full mission bridge simulator. The theoretical component takes place in a classroom.

    Topics that will be covered:

    • saturation / air dive support
    • subsea construction / heavy lift
    • ROV operations
    • OSV operations
    • Cabling operations
    • offshore loading and unloading operations
    • survey operations

    Furthermore you will carry out operational simulation exercises on the full mission bridge simulator.

  • At the end of this course:

    • you will have reduced the required sea time for phase D from the DP Operator training scheme by 30 sea days
    • you are trained in the most common DP operations
  • Are you looking to qualify for the Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) certificate and you would like to reduce the number of required sea days for phase D.

  • Entry requirements
    Type of training Basic course, Basiscursus/opleiding
    Duration 5 days
    Language Dutch, Engels, English, Nederlands
    Exams Practice
    Certificate Ja (STC Next certificaat), Ja (STC Training & Consultancy certificaat), Yes (STC Next certificate)
    Course code SDPS1
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3 reasons to choose this course

  • Reduce the required DP sea time by 30 days
  • Training on the class A recognized full mission bridge simulator
  • Complete accreditation by the Nautical Institute (NI)

Yes, this is the course!