Port Economics


Thema E-learnings, Havenoperaties, Logistiek en Transport
Thema's Havens, Logistiek
Type scholing E-learning
Duur 30 hours of self-study.
Prijs € 475,00 excl. BTW
curved line
Adson Hofman
  • Port services can only occur when port users and providers accept doing business. The objective is to provide efficient and effective port services given limited resources, while obtaining maximum client satisfaction.

    But how do port actors make their choices? When do they accept doing business? The key to answering these questions is understanding the main drivers and the economic way of thinking of the main port actors.

    This course provides participants with insights and knowledge in the role, functioning, operations, developments, decision-making and sustainable policymaking in relation to ports and terminals of now and of the future.

  • The online course consist of eight (8) modules:
    1.    Introduction to port economics
    2.    Port environment
    3.    Port service users and providers
    4.    Port costs and pricing
    5.    Port efficiency
    6.    Port effectiveness
    7.    Port policies
    8.    Smart ports and human capital

    The first Module provides an introduction to the course and its importance for doing business in the port sector.
    In Module 2 the factors that affect the port environment, the port typologies and port actors as well as their inter-linkages are discussed.
    Module 3 of the programme focusses on the main port services offered and the characteristics and interests of the main port services users and providers, and is concluded with the economic concepts of supply and demand linked to the port sector and the impacts of the latest sector developments on the port prices and port services.
    Module 4 continues by presenting an overview of the port and transport costs and prices on the short- and long-run. It also discusses how companies develop their pricing strategies.
    Modules 5 and 6 focus on port efficiency and effectiveness: the importance of these terms for the sustainability of companies in the port sector, how to achieve technical and cost-efficiency, how to carry out port performance evaluations and be able to estimate the impacts of specific developments on port traffic forecasting.
    Module 7 deals with policy development, implementation and drivers. Special attention is paid to sustainability related to ports and port policies.
    The last Module is about the most recent developments around smart ports and what this means for the human capital.
  • After successful completion of the course, the participants will:

    • Be able to identify the main port actors active in the sector.
    • Know what the main interests of the port actors are.
    • Be able to understand how the main port actors make decisions and accept doing business (costs, pricing, objectives, etc.).
    • Be able to understand how to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the decision making process.
    • Know how to promote sustainable port development with specific attention for People, Planet, Prosperity issues.
    • Be able to understand the impact of technological developments on port actors.
    • Know how this has been done around the world and will be able to assess the possibility of transferring these practices to their local situation.
  • The course is designed for professionals and (future) managers working in or interested in the sector Maritime & Offshore and Transport & Logistics.
    Maybe you identify yourself with one of the following target groups:

    • (Young) professionals
    • Paralegals, not engaged in the day to day operations
    • (Junior) managers
    • Team leaders
    • Project managers
  • Toelatingseisen

    The course is suitable for middle management.

    Type scholing E-learning
    Duur 30 hours of self-study.
    Taal Engels
    Diploma / Certificaat Ja (STC Next certificaat)

    The course will be provided in the English language

    You can register via the following link.

3 redenen om deze cursus te kiezen

  • Begrijp de rol en werking van havens en terminals.
  • Leer de economische drijfveren en keuzes van havenactoren kennen.
  • Ontwikkel kennis over duurzame beleidsvorming in de havenindustrie.

Ja, deze cursus wordt het!